Learn more about your recycling program.
Get in touch
For any recycling collection inquiries, please contact GFL. They can be contacted for:
- Replacement bins.
- Missed collections.
- Other recycling questions.
- c32recycling@gflenv.com
- 1-866-553-4352
Be recycle ready
- Rinse all metal and aluminum cans to remove any residue and avoid contaminating other recyclables.
- Flatten and break down all cardboard material to save space and ensure it is recycled.
- Place materials loosely in the recycling container.
- Place your recycling container at curbside and leave 3 feet between your carts.
What’s accepted
- Metal cans and containers (Push lids down inside containers. Remove any plastic or aluminum lid or seal.)
Empty aerosol containers
- Shaving cream
- Hairspray, and air freshener containers
Polycoat containers
- Juice, milk and cream cartons
Aseptic containers
- Packaged milk, juice or soy beverages, sauces, broth and liquid meal replacements.
Household paper
- Newspapers, phonebooks, magazines, catalogues, flyers, paper gift wrap, etc.
Cardboard and boxboard
- No waxed cardboard.
- Remove any plastic, foil, residue, inserts, and liner bags.
Aluminum containers
- Soda cans
- Plates, foils, and trays
Plastic containers
- Items with the following recycling symbols: #1-5 and #7
Clear and coloured glass containers
- Glass bottles, and/or jars, dishes, crystal, window glass and light bulbs.
Empty aerosol containers (commercial and industrial)
- Paint containers, brake cleaner and liquid lubricant.
Polystyrene foam
- Any polystyrene plastic or foam product.
- Any item that has the #6 recycling symbol.